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Have An Idea For A Program?

Have an Idea for a Program or Event?

Terrific! JRC is a diverse, participatory, and sacred community dedicated to a daring, deeply-rooted Judaism, and we do so by fostering connection and collaboration. We strive to provide programming and services for all members to enjoy. Whatever your interest, you will find shared community at JRC!

JRC wants to bring your events and program ideas to life!

Maybe you have a fully formed program idea, maybe it’s just a glimmer… Let’s work together to make it a reality!

Please complete this form with as much information as you can offer. If you know other members who might be interested in the program, include their names and contact information. JRC is committed to listening to what types of experiences our members would like to have available and then helping them develop their ideas to make them happen.

Someone from our Dream and Plan Team will be in touch after we receive your program idea.


Financial FAQ’s

We want funding for our committee/task force in the budget, how can we do that?
Our budget process for the fiscal year starts in the fall when the committees identify their goals and the financial needs to accomplish those goals. In January the budget committee begins to compile budget recommendations and in February a preliminary budget is prepared for the coming year. Revisions are made with the input of the Vice-Presidents. Ideally a final budget is adopted by the Board of Directors by the April board meeting. The budget, or fiscal year is July-June. You may contact the Vice-President assigned to your committee if you have budgetary needs.
Are there any funds budgeted for our committee’s/task force’s work?
You can contact the Vice-President assigned to your committee or Executive Director Micky Baer to find out if your committee has funding through the JRC operating budget.
My committee/task force wants to have a fundraiser.
All fundraisers require board approval. The Development Committee is charged with maintaining a fundraising calendar for the year. Contact the Vice-President of Development about having your fundraiser approved. Once your fundraiser is approved by the board, contact the office find a suitable date for the event.
I need to purchase something for my committee/task force. Do I have to pay tax?
As a 501 (c) (3) organization, JRC is tax exempt. If you are making approved purchases for JRC, you can get a copy of our tax exemption letter from the office. Please note that Costco only exempts tax for their tax exempt members. Since we do not have an account with Costco you will have to pay tax for Costco purchases.
How can I get reimbursed for a purchase?
Be sure to save your receipts. If your purchase is a budgeted expense and has been approved by your Committee Chair/Vice President, you can send your receipts to the office, attention Micky Baer. Please allow about two weeks for processing.

Communications FAQ’s

Why can’t we meet at JRC on Monday nights?
To accommodate staff schedules and custodial staffing needs JRC is closed on Monday evening after 5:00pm.
Who do I call to get my committee/task force meeting on our website calendar?

Email for all scheduling needs and room requests. She will be happy to help get your program or meeting on the JRC calendar and will work with you to support your facility needs.

How can I get something posted on JRC’s website?

Contact Micky Baer at to make a request for an update to the website. Postings on our website are in keeping with the JRC External Communications Policy

The information about my committee on the website is outdated, how can I get it updated?

Contact Micky Baer at to notify the office of updates needed on the website. Please provide a short description of your committee and provide an image if you have one.

We need to send out a mailing. Can the office do it for us?

Committee mailings are typically managed by volunteers. Please note that the costs associated with printing and mailing must be absorbed by your committee. Make sure that there are funds available to you for that purpose. 

Who to Contact for What:

Everything else: email us at or call the office at 847-328-7678 and we’ll find the right person for you to talk with!
