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Committees/Task Forces

Fostering connection and community, committee members work with staff to provide programming and services for all members. Some groups meet monthly, while others meet quarterly or on an ad-hoc basis. Whatever your interest, there’s a way to be engaged at JRC!

JRC members are passionate about and committed to a variety of political and social justice issues. Task forces are created by members to foster learning, understanding, and action. Taskforce members meet to share information and identify opportunities for JRC members to engage around social, educational, religious, and political issues.


Accessibility and Inclusion

JRC is committed to being a congregation that is inclusive, accessible, and fosters a sense of belonging for all brains and bodies. The Accessibility and Inclusion Team works together with JRC leadership to achieve this goal. Contact:


The Chesed Committee is committed to performing mitzvot to help JRC members in need—particularly individuals/families who have experienced a recent loss or crisis. Contact:

Chibur, JRC's 20s and 30s Group

For more information contact:
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This task force will ensure that all members are kept apprised of JRC activities and Board actions as well as enhancing our relationship with the greater Jewish community. Contact: Linda Mathias Kaskel.



This committee plans and facilitates all ongoing fundraising in support of our JRC community. Contact: David Block


Early Childhood

This committee meets to discuss issues of importance to JRC’s Early Childhood Center and families. Members work together to determine policy and explore ways to support early childhood education at JRC. Contact:

Leadership Development

The Leadership Development Committee works to identify, engage and foster the development of JRC’s current and future lay leaders. Their vision is to engage with the JRC community to identify members who have an interest in supporting JRC at any level. The committee will work to engage these members individually in tailored levels of volunteerism and leadership while providing mentoring and support to foster development, growth, and increasing involvement.  Contact:


The mission of the JRC Library is to promote lifelong learning (Limud) at JRC and to reinforce and support congregational programming for all age groups and constituent units of JRC, responsive to the times and culture in which we live. Contact:

Browse the library catalog>>


This committee works to enhance services to members and to help create a greater sense of community at JRC. VP of Membership: Hannah Shearn

Ritual Practices

This committee meets to discuss and address religious issues that directly affect our community. It also endeavors to facilitate greater member involvement in religious services at JRC. Chair: Nancy Zwick.

Religious School

This committee meets to discuss educational issues, create policy and support the work of our Religious School staff.  Contact:

Strategic Planning

This committee equips and mobilizes JRC’s leadership to act in accordance with the congregation’s strategic plan. Contact:

Blood Drive

JRC organizes a Blood Drive each winter in conjunction with LifeSource Blood Services. See more>>

Climate Action

JRC’s Climate Action Team urges you to get involved in Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, by engaging in acts to repair the environment and strengthening JRC’s commitment to sustainability. Read more>>

Immigrant Justice

The Immigrant Justice Task Force aims to learn about and engage with and on behalf of immigrants and refugees in our congregation, our local community, our nation and the global community. We want JRC to be a congregation that welcomes immigrants and refugees into our own community and provides opportunities for members to engage with others with and on behalf of refugees and immigrants. Contact: Read more>

JRC Press

The JRC Press Task Force has published our 5th member produced book Lost and Found: Embracing the Whole of Life. This collection of personal essays, poems, and stories will examine the losses and gains – both positive and negative – that are an inherent part of life. Chair: Charlene Gelber. 

Racial Equity

JRC’s Racial Equity Task Force is devoted to increasing racial equity within our congregation and throughout our local and global communities. The Task Force plans programming to build awareness about structural and institutional racism. We work toward personal and communal transformation through training, education, conversation, and social action. We plan to create opportunities for JRC members to engage in efforts to promote equity among all racial and ethnic groups and work toward justice throughout our congregation and community. Contact: Read more>>

Gun Violence Prevention

The Gun Violence Prevention Task Force (GVPTF) strives to use an equity-oriented, antiracism lens to better understand how racism /white supremacy, gender issues, etc., impact individuals and communities. Using a three-pronged approach — Education/Learning, Advocacy/Action and Community-Building/ Relationships —the GVPTF also asks the question, What is Jewish about GVP work? Why do this work as part of a congregation? Tikkun Olam is the springboard for our activism as we explore and apply Jewish values and teachings to Gun Violence Prevention work.

Contact: Read more>>

Soup Kitchens

JRC members operate two Soup Kitchens in Evanston at which groups of JRC volunteers cook a community meal for approximately 90 people in need. Read more>>