This month’s Kehillah Chodesh Shabbat is a part of our wonderful Community Shabbaton with Reconstructing Judaism! What a fantastic opportunity to be surrounded by community in learning, song, ritual, and of course food. Please see below for details:
All programming will taking place at Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation (JRC)
303 Dodge Avenue, Evanston IL
7 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services led by Rabbi Rachel Weiss, Cantor Howard Friedland, and Rabbi Sandra Lawson, Inaugural Director of Racial Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Reconstructing Judaism
Third Floor Main Sanctuary and Via Zoom
8:15 pm Festive Oneg & Community Learning with Rabbi Sandra Lawson
Third Floor Lobby and Main Sanctuary (learning program also via Zoom)
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 844 9887 6575
Passcode: 590528
Call-In Number: 312-626-6799 (Chicago)
9:30 am Multigenerational Tot Shabbat for people of all ages, led by Cantor Howard Friedland and Director of Education Lauren Reeves, followed by Stay and Play in our Adult Tot Classroom
First Floor Early Childhood Center
9:30 am. Kehillah Family Service with Rabbi Sandra Lawson & Rabbi Rachel Weiss
Third Floor Main Sanctuary
10 am Multi-access Minyan Service Led by Rabbi Zack Wiener, with D’var Torah Discussion led by Rabbi Kevin Bernstein
First Floor Small Sanctuary and Via Zoom
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 880 5387 3162
Passcode: 183672
Call-In Number: 312-626-6799 (Chicago)
10:30am Social Justice Standing on Our Own Jewish Legs- From Tradition to Today, for Kehillah Parents with Rabbi Rachel and Rabbi Sandra
Third Floor Main Sanctuary
12 pm Community Oneg Potluck Lunch
Third Floor Social Hall and Sanctuary
1:00pm: Community Singing with Rabbi Sandra. Sing and raise our voices together!
Third Floor Social Hall and Sanctuary
1:30pm Parents and Children in Tradition with Rabbi Jessica Lott
Third Floor Main Sanctuary and Via Zoom
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 826 8983 5096
Passcode: 587296
Call-In Number 312-626-6799 (Chicago)
1:30pm Love Labor, Hate the Boss? Love Work, Hate Rabbis?: Translation as an Act of Jewish Peoplehood with Rabbi Zack Wiener
First Floor Small Sanctuary and Via Zoom
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 880 5387 3162
Passcode: 183672
Call-In Number: 312-626-6799 (Chicago)
2:15pm What Are We Waiting For? Mashiach in Modern and Contemporary Jewish Thought with Rabbi Michelle Stern
Third Floor Main Sanctuary and Via Zoom
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 826 8983 5096
Passcode: 587296
Call-In Number 312-626-6799 (Chicago)
2:15 pm Foundations of Rabbinic Democracy: The Oven of Akhnai with Student Rabbi Josh Nelson
First Floor Small Sanctuary and Via Zoom
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 880 5387 3162
Passcode: 183672
Call-In Number: 312-626-6799 (Chicago)
3 pm A Taste of RRC: come learn about our program and community with Rabbi Melissa Heller, Director of Admissions and Recruitment at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and our RRC alums
First Floor Small Sanctuary and Via Zoom
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 880 5387 3162
Passcode: 183672
Call-In Number: 312-626-6799 (Chicago)
4 pm Ice Cream Social & Havdalah for BIPOC Jews and their families with Rabbi Sandra
Third Floor Social Hall