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Junior choir

Junior choir

JRC Main Sanctuary 303 Dodge Avenue, Evanston

Junior choir is a fun, laid back, musical opportunity for 2nd-6th graders to be musical at Kehillah and JRC! Join choir leader Danny Wallenberg Saturday mornings, 9:00-9:30 am, before Kehillah. […]

Kehillah Junior

Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot

JRC Early Childhood Center 303 Dodge St., Evanston

Kehillah Junior is a joyful introduction to Shabbat for young children ages 2 and under and their families. Each week, our song leader will lead the group in lively Shabbat […]



JRC 303 Dodge Avenue, Evanston

Kehillah, JRC’s religious school, supports learners of all ages & abilities in cultivating joy & resilience by teaching sacred practices & values. Our Shabbat-based program is infused with joy, allowing […]

Chodesh Shabbat

Chodesh Shabbat

JRC 303 Dodge Avenue, Evanston

Chodesh Shabbats are Saturday mornings with a menu of experiences for the JRC community, from prayer to community building to discussion to interactive learning activities. Chodesh Shabbat mornings include times […]

JRC Minyan via Zoom

JRC Lay-Led Multi-Access Minyan

JRC Small Sanctuary 303 Dodge Ave, Evanston

Join the JRC Minyan through the Shabbat Shaharit (morning services) at 10:00am this Saturday at JRC and via Zoom. This service includes a Torah reading, interactive d’var, and public reciting of […]