Join us weekly for a Tuesday Ma'ariv minyan and service. Our service lasts twenty minutes and we will say Kaddish. Come join us! Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 540 635 846 […]
JRC Adult Brit Mitzvah Cohort Tuesdays from 7:00 - 8:30pm In JRC's Small Sanctuary and via ZoomZoom Link: ID: 881 5625 5169 Passcode: 763697
Beginners come and learn about how to play. Experienced players are encouraged to play. We will play on Tuesday evenings on a drop-in basis. Participants need to bring their own […]
DID YOU KNOW? Many beneficial bugs lay eggs that overwinter in the stems and underbrush of native prairie plants. Now that spring is underway and the bugs have hatched, it […]
Dive into the weekly Torah portion! Study in English, no experience necessary. Bring a TaNaKh or Hebrew Bible or commentary if you have one. Led by the JRC Clergy or […]
JRC's Adult Choir rehearses in our 3rd floor sanctuary. JRC has three opportunities to get involved in choir. Our Adult, Children, and Family choirs are all under the direction of […]
JRC Celebrates our Interfaith Community. We welcome members of Grace Lutheran Church, Immanuel Lutheran Church, St. John's Lutheran Church, and Unity on the North Shore to learn about Shabbat services, […]
Shabbat is our sanctuary in time and space - and this week we need one another. Join your clergy to sing, be together, and spend time in community after a […]
Junior choir is a fun, laid back, musical opportunity for 2nd-6th graders to be musical at Kehillah and JRC! Join choir leader Danny Wallenberg Saturday mornings, 9:00-9:30 am, before Kehillah. […]