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Calendar of Events

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0 events,

1 event,


New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group

5 events,


Weekday Minyan via Zoom


Mahjong at JRC!


Adult Brit Mizvah Cohort

1 event,

2 events,


Weekly Torah Study via Zoom


Choir Rehearsal

2 events,


Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Cantor Howard Friedland, with special blessing for April birthdays and anniversaries


Shorefront Legacy Center and Evanston Public Library: The History of Black Newspapers in Evanston

8 events,


Junior Choir


Multi-generational Tot Shabbat


Kehillah Chodesh Shabbat




Adult-Tot Playgroup: Kehillah Katana


JRC Multi-Access Lay-Led Minyan


Join the Conversation About Reparations


5th-8th Grade Sleep Under

1 event,


Rosh Hodesh Nissan Celebration

1 event,


New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group

6 events,


Weekday Minyan via Zoom


Mahjong at JRC!


Adult Brit Mizvah Cohort

3 events,

3 events,


Weekly Torah Study via Zoom


Racial Equity Task Force (RETF) Monthly Meeting


Choir Rehearsal

1 event,


Shabbat Vayinafash: A Casual, Musical, Shabbat

7 events,


Junior Choir


Adult-Tot Playgroup: Kehillah Katana




Shabbat Meditation Program


Bat Mitzvah of Anya Thomas


JRC Lay-Led Minyan via Zoom


Learn about the Proposed Illinois Budget and Bills to Support Immigrants

1 event,

1 event,


New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group

5 events,


Weekday Minyan via Zoom


Mahjong at JRC!


Adult Brit Mizvah Cohort

2 events,


Urban Prairie Garden Spring Clean-Up

2 events,


Weekly Torah Study via Zoom


Choir Rehearsal

2 events,


Welcoming Interfaith Guests – What to Expect at Shabbat Services


Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Cantor Howard Friedland

6 events,


Junior Choir


Kehillah community art project




Adult-Tot Playgroup: Kehillah Katana


Bat Mitzvah of Carmen Jaffe

3 events,


Urban Prairie Garden Spring Clean-Up


Israel-Palestine Story Circles

1 event,


New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group

8 events,


Weekday Minyan via Zoom


Adult Brit Mizvah Cohort


No Mahjong 4-23, Passover

2 events,

3 events,


Weekly Torah Study via Zoom


Choir Rehearsal

2 events,


Kabbalat Shabbat Pesach Service Led by JRC Member, Joel Gratch

7 events,


Junior Choir




Adult-Tot Playgroup: Kehillah Katana


Shabbat Meditation Program


Shabbat Pesach/Festival Service with Yizkor with Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Cantor Howard Friedland


Kehillah community art project

1 event,

3 events,


New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group

5 events,


Weekday Minyan via Zoom


Adult Brit Mizvah Cohort


Mahjong at JRC!

1 event,

3 events,


Weekly Torah Study via Zoom


Choir Rehearsal

2 events,


Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Cantor Howard Friedland, with special blessing for May birthdays and anniversaries


The Art and Skill of Interrupting Racism

8 events,


Junior Choir


Kehillah Last Day


Learners’ Shabbat for Adult Brit Mitzvah and 5th/6th grade families


Adult-Tot Playgroup: Kehillah Katana


Multi-generational Tot Shabbat


JRC Multi-Access Lay-Led Minyan


Kehillah Closing Gathering