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Calendar of Events

S Sun

M Mon

T Tue

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T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

0 events,

1 event,


New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group

5 events,


Weekday Minyan via Zoom


High Holiday Challah Pick-Up


Mahjong at JRC!

2 events,


High Holiday Challah Pick-Up


Erev Rosh Hashanah Shofar Walk

4 events,


Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Services


JRC Rosh Hashanah Family Service




Choir Rehearsal

2 events,


Rosh HaShanah Day 2 Services

4 events,


Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot


JRC Lay-Led Multi-Access Minyan


Kehillah family social action event: Cradles to Crayons Giving Factory

0 events,

2 events,


New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group


October 7th Service of Memory and Lament

4 events,


Weekday Minyan via Zoom


Mahjong at JRC!

2 events,

3 events,


Weekly Torah Study via Zoom


Choir Rehearsal

1 event,


Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre Services

8 events,


Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot


Yom Kippur Morning Services with Yizkor


JRC Yom Kippur Open Mic


Yom Kippur Contemplation & Connection: Member-Led Programming


JRC Yom Kippur Family Service


Ne’ilah Has Been Moved to FUMC

0 events,

2 events,


Teen Sukkah Decorating Event With Rabbi Rachel


New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group

5 events,


Weekday Minyan via Zoom


Mahjong at JRC!


Adult Brit Mitzvah Cohort

2 events,

5 events,


Sukkot Yom Tov Service Led by Rabbi Rachel Weiss & Cantor Howard Friedland


No Weekly Torah Study- Sukkot


Choir Rehearsal

2 events,


Kabbalat Shabbat Sukkot Service with Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Cantor Howard Friedland

6 events,


Junior choir




Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot


Bar Mitzvah of Saul Pollet


JRC Lay-Led Multi-Access Minyan With Sukkah Oneg

2 events,


TO BE RESCHEDULED: JRC Green Building Tour


JRC Campus Affiliates Group: A Conversation for Faculty & Staff

1 event,


New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group

5 events,


Weekday Minyan via Zoom


Adult Brit Mitzvah Cohort


Mahjong at JRC!

2 events,


Simchat Torah Parade with Heavy Shtetl

5 events,


No Weekly Torah Study- Simchat Torah


Choir Rehearsal

1 event,


Kabbalat Shabbat Service Led by Rabbi Zack Wiener

6 events,


Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot




JRC Shabbat Meditation


Music Jam


JRC Lay-Led Minyan Via Zoom


Parenting Pages: Book Share and Expert Picks

1 event,


Community Conversation About Safety at JRC

1 event,


New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group

4 events,


Weekday Minyan via Zoom


Adult Brit Mitzvah Cohort


Mahjong at JRC!

1 event,

2 events,


Weekly Torah Study via Zoom


Choir Rehearsal

1 event,


Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Cantor Howard Friedland

7 events,


Junior choir




Multi-Generational Tot Shabbat


Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot


Chodesh Shabbat With Camp Havaya’s Rabbi Isaac Saposnik


JRC Lay-Led Multi-Access Minyan


Jews By Choice Affinity Group Discussion