Dive into the weekly Torah portion! Study in English, no experience necessary. Bring a TaNaKh or Hebrew Bible or commentary if you have one. Led by the JRC Clergy or a JRC Lay Leader each week *NEW LINK* Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89789773296?pwd=Q2oxMDRpazVGZXA0T0xteHE1c3BnUT09 Meeting ID: 897 8977 3296 Passcode: 405397 Dial by your location +1 312 626 […]
There will not be a Kabbalat service at JRC this evening. We wish you a beautiful Shabbat at home
Join the JRC Minyan through the Shabbat Shaharit (morning services) at 10:30am this Saturday via Zoom. This service includes a Torah reading, interactive d’var, and public reciting of the Kaddish. Shabbat Vehagim The Zoom link for this service can be found in JRC’s weekly e-newsletter. If you would like us to email you a link, please […]
Description: Rosh Chodesh, translated as the “head of the month”, is a time to mark the start of a new month in the Jewish calendar. Historically, it is a minor holiday where women would refrain from work. Each month we gather to explore a variety of relevant topics in a creative and thought-provoking celebration. All […]
Interested in reading the New Testament from a Jewish perspective? Join the member-led study group that meets weekly on Zoom, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. to learn together, both through reading the NT (using the Jewish Annotated New Testament, edited by Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler) and other supplemental material. No teacher, just curious folks occasionally willing […]
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
Join us weekly for a Tuesday Ma'ariv minyan and service. Our service lasts twenty minutes and we will say Kaddish. Come join us! Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/540635846 Meeting ID: 540 635 846 Call-in: 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Beginners come and learn about how to play. Experienced players are encouraged to play. We will play on Tuesday evenings on a drop-in basis. Participants need to bring their own 2024 card. We will need one mahjong set per 4 people so if you have a set, bring it. If you plan to attend or […]
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
Dive into the weekly Torah portion! Study in English, no experience necessary. Bring a TaNaKh or Hebrew Bible or commentary if you have one. Led by the JRC Clergy or a JRC Lay Leader each week *NEW LINK* Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89789773296?pwd=Q2oxMDRpazVGZXA0T0xteHE1c3BnUT09 Meeting ID: 897 8977 3296 Passcode: 405397 Dial by your location +1 312 626 […]
Interested in racial equity work at JRC? RETF is always looking for new members. To RSVP for the meeting or for more information, email Frank Hill. Hope to see you there! Thanks!
Come play Bridge. All are welcome! Get together with fellow JRC members for a friendly evening of Bridge - enthusiasts or just Bridge Curious are welcome to attend. We will do both teaching and playing so don't worry about your knowledge of the game - we would love for you to join in. Invite your […]
JRC's Adult Choir rehearses in our 3rd floor sanctuary. JRC has three opportunities to get involved in choir. Our Adult, Children, and Family choirs are all under the direction of JRC member, Danny Wallenberg. Anyone who enjoys singing can join! Contact Danny at choir@jrctogether.org. More information about JRC's choirs can be found on our website.
Shabbat Shalom! In times of celebration and challenge, Judaism calls us to come together each week. Sing, reflect, learn and engage with your JRC community either in our JRC sanctuary or over zoom. Our services are regularly led by Rabbi Rachel Weiss, Cantor Howard Friedland, and many members of JRC. Come for services, stay for an […]
Junior choir is a fun, laid back, musical opportunity for 2nd-6th graders to be musical at Kehillah and JRC! Join choir leader Danny Wallenberg Saturday mornings, 9:00-9:30 am, before Kehillah. Performances will take place at special JRC events throughout the year.
Chodesh Shabbats are Saturday mornings with a menu of experiences for the JRC community, from prayer to community building to discussion to interactive learning activities. Chodesh Shabbat mornings include times for the whole community to be together as well as times for segments to gather for focused activities. Each grade has have one Chodesh Shabbat […]
Kehillah, JRC’s religious school, supports learners of all ages & abilities in cultivating joy & resilience by teaching sacred practices & values. Our Shabbat-based program is infused with joy, allowing us to experience Shabbat together as a multi-generational community, while our Kehillah learners engage in a project-based curriculum. Typical Schedule: Pre-K – 6th Grades 9:30am […]
Bring your littles (0-4 year olds) and your grownups to celebrate Shabbat together. JRC’s engaging Tot Shabbat will have you singing, dancing, and playing together with our clergy! At 9:30 am, our 30-minute Tot Shabbat is perfect for kids under 4 with their grownups—grandparents and older siblings are welcome. Open to guests and JRC members! […]
Kehillah Junior is a joyful introduction to Shabbat for young children ages 2 and under and their families. Each week, our song leader will lead the group in lively Shabbat music, where children can sing, dance, and wiggle to their heart's content. The class combines structured activities like snack time, circle time, and art with […]
Join the JRC Minyan through the Shabbat Shaharit (morning services) at 10:00am this Saturday at JRC and via Zoom. This service includes a Torah reading, interactive d’var, and public reciting of the Kaddish. Please join us afterwards for a potluck oneg luncheon. Shabbat Vehagim The Zoom link for this service can be found in JRC’s weekly […]
As American Jews, we have, until recently, taken democracy, and our place in American life, for granted. Only now are we learning how fragile, and how interwoven, these are. Democracy in Israel, too, is faltering, demonstrating how high the stakes are when power is concentrated in the hands of individuals who feel no responsibility to […]
Join the engaging conversation with your JRC community! JRC’s Book Group meets on the second Sunday of every month, typically over Zoom. All are welcome! Please RSVP to Jill Berkeley to let her know you’ll be attending. This month’s book is: Twists and Turns Twists and Turns, An Imagined Memoir by JRC member, Betsy Fuchs Claire LeBrint Metzger […]
Interested in reading the New Testament from a Jewish perspective? Join the member-led study group that meets weekly on Zoom, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. to learn together, both through reading the NT (using the Jewish Annotated New Testament, edited by Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler) and other supplemental material. No teacher, just curious folks occasionally willing […]
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
Join us weekly for a Tuesday Ma'ariv minyan and service. Our service lasts twenty minutes and we will say Kaddish. Come join us! Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/540635846 Meeting ID: 540 635 846 Call-in: 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Shabbat services are a journey – what’s the path, what prayers are required, how do we use traditional liturgy and contemporary voices to make a beautiful, spiritual experience? This 3-part service will explore the concepts of keva (fixed prayer), kavannah (spiritual intention), and how to compose a Shabbat evening service. Then join Rabbi Rachel for […]
Beginners come and learn about how to play. Experienced players are encouraged to play. We will play on Tuesday evenings on a drop-in basis. Participants need to bring their own 2024 card. We will need one mahjong set per 4 people so if you have a set, bring it. If you plan to attend or […]
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
Dive into the weekly Torah portion! Study in English, no experience necessary. Bring a TaNaKh or Hebrew Bible or commentary if you have one. Led by the JRC Clergy or a JRC Lay Leader each week *NEW LINK* Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89789773296?pwd=Q2oxMDRpazVGZXA0T0xteHE1c3BnUT09 Meeting ID: 897 8977 3296 Passcode: 405397 Dial by your location +1 312 626 […]
JRC's Adult Choir rehearses in our 3rd floor sanctuary. JRC has three opportunities to get involved in choir. Our Adult, Children, and Family choirs are all under the direction of JRC member, Danny Wallenberg. Anyone who enjoys singing can join! Contact Danny at choir@jrctogether.org. More information about JRC's choirs can be found on our website.
JRC welcomes the community to join us for Shabbat in celebration of Dr. King's legacy. This inspirational service will be led by Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Joel Gratch, along with our JRC Choir. Sing songs of freedom together, and hear Dr. King's words as we integrate our Jewish values of Racial Justice and Antiracism. Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84498876575?pwd=dWhaR2owY3d5QzVVZVJOckNpN0c4dz09 […]
Junior choir is a fun, laid back, musical opportunity for 2nd-6th graders to be musical at Kehillah and JRC! Join choir leader Danny Wallenberg Saturday mornings, 9:00-9:30 am, before Kehillah. Performances will take place at special JRC events throughout the year.
While learners are in Kehillah classes, come relax and connect with other grown-ups over coffee, tea, and light conversation. Whether you’re in the mood to chat about everyday life or dive into something more meaningful, this is a welcoming space to build relationships. Drop in anytime—no agenda, just community.
Kehillah Junior is a joyful introduction to Shabbat for young children ages 2 and under and their families. Each week, our song leader will lead the group in lively Shabbat music, where children can sing, dance, and wiggle to their heart's content. The class combines structured activities like snack time, circle time, and art with […]
Kehillah, JRC’s religious school, supports learners of all ages & abilities in cultivating joy & resilience by teaching sacred practices & values. Our Shabbat-based program is infused with joy, allowing us to experience Shabbat together as a multi-generational community, while our Kehillah learners engage in a project-based curriculum. Typical Schedule: Pre-K – 6th Grades 9:30am […]
Join the JRC Minyan through the Shabbat Shaharit (morning services) at 10:00am this Saturday at JRC and via Zoom. This service includes a Torah reading, interactive d’var, and public reciting of the Kaddish. Please join us afterwards for a potluck oneg luncheon. Shabbat Vehagim The Zoom link for this service can be found in JRC’s weekly […]
The entire JRC community is invited to join Jack Lapat and his family as he is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. This Shabbat morning service will be led by Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Cantor Howard Friedland in the JRC sanctuary. Click here for our Shabbat Morning B’nai Mitzvah Prayerbook A Zoom link for this service can be found in the JRC […]
Join our Evanston interfaith community in honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy on Sunday, January 19 at the Music Institute of Chicago Nichols Hall. Rabbi Rachel Weiss will be a speaker at this event. See below for details.
Mark your calendars! Please join us for Interfaith Action of Evanston’s Walk for Warmth on Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, Monday January 20th. Walking together, we are a physical embodiment of Dr. King’s vision of the beloved community. His commitment to service is reflected in the route we take past the many faith […]
Interested in reading the New Testament from a Jewish perspective? Join the member-led study group that meets weekly on Zoom, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. to learn together, both through reading the NT (using the Jewish Annotated New Testament, edited by Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler) and other supplemental material. No teacher, just curious folks occasionally willing […]
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
Join us weekly for a Tuesday Ma'ariv minyan and service. Our service lasts twenty minutes and we will say Kaddish. Come join us! Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/540635846 Meeting ID: 540 635 846 Call-in: 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Beginners come and learn about how to play. Experienced players are encouraged to play. We will play on Tuesday evenings on a drop-in basis. Participants need to bring their own 2024 card. We will need one mahjong set per 4 people so if you have a set, bring it. If you plan to attend or […]
Tonight's Creating Liturgy class will be on Zoom only. See below for Zoom link. Shabbat services are a journey – what’s the path, what prayers are required, how do we use traditional liturgy and contemporary voices to make a beautiful, spiritual experience? This 3-part service will explore the concepts of keva (fixed prayer), kavannah (spiritual […]
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
Dive into the weekly Torah portion! Study in English, no experience necessary. Bring a TaNaKh or Hebrew Bible or commentary if you have one. Led by the JRC Clergy or a JRC Lay Leader each week *NEW LINK* Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89789773296?pwd=Q2oxMDRpazVGZXA0T0xteHE1c3BnUT09 Meeting ID: 897 8977 3296 Passcode: 405397 Dial by your location +1 312 626 […]
Come play Bridge. All are welcome! Get together with fellow JRC members for a friendly evening of Bridge - enthusiasts or just Bridge Curious are welcome to attend. We will do both teaching and playing so don't worry about your knowledge of the game - we would love for you to join in. Invite your […]
JRC's Adult Choir rehearses in our 3rd floor sanctuary. JRC has three opportunities to get involved in choir. Our Adult, Children, and Family choirs are all under the direction of JRC member, Danny Wallenberg. Anyone who enjoys singing can join! Contact Danny at choir@jrctogether.org. More information about JRC's choirs can be found on our website.
Shabbat Shalom! In times of celebration and challenge, Judaism calls us to come together each week. Sing, reflect, learn and engage with your JRC community either in our JRC sanctuary or over zoom. Our services are regularly led by Rabbi Rachel Weiss, Cantor Howard Friedland, and many members of JRC. Tonight Rabbi Rachel will be […]
Junior choir is a fun, laid back, musical opportunity for 2nd-6th graders to be musical at Kehillah and JRC! Join choir leader Danny Wallenberg Saturday mornings, 9:00-9:30 am, before Kehillah. Performances will take place at special JRC events throughout the year.
Kehillah Junior is a joyful introduction to Shabbat for young children ages 2 and under and their families. Each week, our song leader will lead the group in lively Shabbat music, where children can sing, dance, and wiggle to their heart's content. The class combines structured activities like snack time, circle time, and art with […]
While learners are in Kehillah classes, come relax and connect with other grown-ups over coffee, tea, and light conversation. Whether you’re in the mood to chat about everyday life or dive into something more meaningful, this is a welcoming space to build relationships. Drop in anytime—no agenda, just community.
Kehillah, JRC’s religious school, supports learners of all ages & abilities in cultivating joy & resilience by teaching sacred practices & values. Our Shabbat-based program is infused with joy, allowing us to experience Shabbat together as a multi-generational community, while our Kehillah learners engage in a project-based curriculum. Typical Schedule: Pre-K – 6th Grades 9:30am […]
This special program is for 6th grade families preparing for their children to become b’nai mitzvah. Families will learn about the process, get to know each other better, and ask questions of the JRC clergy and staff. There is also time for parents and learners to meet separately to build relationships and delve deeper into […]
Unfortunately Shabbat Meditation will not be held today due to illness. We look forward to seeing you on February 8. All are welcome to our Shabbat Meditation program – a time for us to come together in community to explore how meditation can help us rest deeply, listen fully to our deepest self, and connect […]
Join the JRC Minyan through the Shabbat Shaharit (morning services) at 10:30am this Saturday via Zoom. This service includes a Torah reading, interactive d’var, and public reciting of the Kaddish. Shabbat Vehagim The Zoom link for this service can be found in JRC’s weekly e-newsletter. If you would like us to email you a link, please […]
JRC’s Racial Equity Task Force (RETF) invites you to join JCUA’s Jackie Baldwin, Director of Anti Racism & Equity at JRC to learn about the Kirva Institute’s Balance of Care framework inspired by Valarie Kaur’s vision of Revolutionary Love: Love for self, Love for others, Love for opponents. All communities and groups create hierarchies of […]
January 27 The United Nations General Assembly designated January 27—the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau—as International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a time to remember the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and the millions of other victims of Nazi persecution. As we are witnessing an alarming rise of antisemitism around the globe, it is more important […]
Interested in reading the New Testament from a Jewish perspective? Join the member-led study group that meets weekly on Zoom, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. to learn together, both through reading the NT (using the Jewish Annotated New Testament, edited by Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler) and other supplemental material. No teacher, just curious folks occasionally willing […]
Join us weekly for a Tuesday Ma'ariv minyan and service. Our service lasts twenty minutes and we will say Kaddish. Come join us! Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/540635846 Meeting ID: 540 635 846 Call-in: 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
Beginners come and learn about how to play. Experienced players are encouraged to play. We will play on Tuesday evenings on a drop-in basis. Participants need to bring their own 2024 card. We will need one mahjong set per 4 people so if you have a set, bring it. If you plan to attend or […]
Shabbat services are a journey – what’s the path, what prayers are required, how do we use traditional liturgy and contemporary voices to make a beautiful, spiritual experience? This 3-part service will explore the concepts of keva (fixed prayer), kavannah (spiritual intention), and how to compose a Shabbat evening service. Then join Rabbi Rachel for […]
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
Dive into the weekly Torah portion! Study in English, no experience necessary. Bring a TaNaKh or Hebrew Bible or commentary if you have one. Led by the JRC Clergy or a JRC Lay Leader each week *NEW LINK* Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89789773296?pwd=Q2oxMDRpazVGZXA0T0xteHE1c3BnUT09 Meeting ID: 897 8977 3296 Passcode: 405397 Dial by your location +1 312 626 […]
JRC's Adult Choir rehearses in our 3rd floor sanctuary. JRC has three opportunities to get involved in choir. Our Adult, Children, and Family choirs are all under the direction of JRC member, Danny Wallenberg. Anyone who enjoys singing can join! Contact Danny at choir@jrctogether.org. More information about JRC's choirs can be found on our website.
Shabbat Shalom! In times of celebration and challenge, Judaism calls us to come together each week. Sing, reflect, learn and engage with your JRC community either in our JRC sanctuary or over zoom. Our services are regularly led by Rabbi Rachel Weiss, Cantor Howard Friedland, and many members of JRC. This week's service will be […]
JRC is participating in Reconstructing Judaism's National Reparations Shabbat throughout this weekend. JRC's Racial Equity Task Force invites you to join us after Kabbalat Shabbat service as we welcome Laurice Bell, Executive Director of Shorefront Legacy Center, to discuss the Intergenerational Reparations Interview Project. She'll be focusing on the experiences and outcomes of the 2024 […]
Junior choir is a fun, laid back, musical opportunity for 2nd-6th graders to be musical at Kehillah and JRC! Join choir leader Danny Wallenberg Saturday mornings, 9:00-9:30 am, before Kehillah. Performances will take place at special JRC events throughout the year.
Kehillah, JRC’s religious school, supports learners of all ages & abilities in cultivating joy & resilience by teaching sacred practices & values. Our Shabbat-based program is infused with joy, allowing us to experience Shabbat together as a multi-generational community, while our Kehillah learners engage in a project-based curriculum. Typical Schedule: Pre-K – 6th Grades 9:30am […]
Chodesh Shabbats are Saturday mornings with a menu of experiences for the JRC community, from prayer to community building to discussion to interactive learning activities. Chodesh Shabbat mornings include times for the whole community to be together as well as times for segments to gather for focused activities. Each grade has have one Chodesh Shabbat […]
Bring your littles (0-4 year olds) and your grownups to celebrate Shabbat together. JRC’s engaging Tot Shabbat will have you singing, dancing, and playing together with our clergy! At 9:30 am, our 30-minute Tot Shabbat is perfect for kids under 4 with their grownups—grandparents and older siblings are welcome. Open to guests and JRC members! […]
Kehillah Junior is a joyful introduction to Shabbat for young children ages 2 and under and their families. Each week, our song leader will lead the group in lively Shabbat music, where children can sing, dance, and wiggle to their heart's content. The class combines structured activities like snack time, circle time, and art with […]
Join the JRC Minyan through the Shabbat Shaharit (morning services) at 10:00am this Saturday at JRC and via Zoom. This service includes a Torah reading, interactive d’var, and public reciting of the Kaddish. Please join us afterwards for a potluck oneg luncheon. Shabbat Vehagim The Zoom link for this service can be found in JRC’s weekly […]
To learn what Jewish texts say about reparations Rabbi Rachel Weiss will offer a brief teaching on Parshat Bo (the week’s Torah portion), the Stolen Beam Talmud text, and connect these texts to related Jewish values. Several JRC members will introduce some current local reparations efforts and lead small group discussions. Join us during Kehillah's […]