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Voices: JRC's Congregational Blog

Bringing Our Whole Selves to JRC

Bringing Our Whole Selves to JRC

As we move on through our journey, may we continue to reach out and reach within, to accomplish our goals of keeping traditions, making new ones, and finding Love and Peace.

Happy 60th Anniversary JRC!

JRC’s 60th Anniversary

JRC’s 60th Anniversary

As we move on through our journey, may we continue to reach out and reach within, to accomplish our goals of keeping traditions, making new ones, and finding Love and Peace.

Happy 60th Anniversary JRC!

My Relationship to Israel-Palestine

My Relationship to Israel-Palestine

There is an irony about giving a D’var on Bereshit, the beginning of our Torah, the majesty of creation, at the beginning of a war.  But here we are at this time.  Except for wars, I like the beginning of things, the promise of things to come.



There is an irony about giving a D’var on Bereshit, the beginning of our Torah, the majesty of creation, at the beginning of a war.  But here we are at this time.  Except for wars, I like the beginning of things, the promise of things to come.

JRC Statement Regarding the Current Crisis in Israel-Palestine

JRC Statement Regarding the Current Crisis in Israel-Palestine

Preamble: The JRC Board of Directors has endorsed the following statement written by the Israel-Palestine working group. JRC is home to a broad range of opinions, beliefs, and political alignments. We worked together to find our commonalities and create a statement...



When I read D’varim, I like to picture the crowd of people standing on the banks of the Jordan River, listening to Moses tell the story of their community. Maybe he didn’t get every detail correct – or maybe there was, as there so often is, no correct version of the story because everyone had a unique vantage point for the battles and negotiations Moses describes.

A D’var Torah for Pride Shabbat

A D’var Torah for Pride Shabbat

I became a judge, in 1999, the first out lesbian on the bench in Illinois… Yet the LGBTQ community still had ways to go towards equal rights. In the first month I was on the bench, I was the first in my class… to be assigned a Saturday rotation in the Cook County Marriage Court…

Beha’alotecha, Kvetching, and Leadership

Beha’alotecha, Kvetching, and Leadership

This D’var Torah on Parshat Beha’alotecha was delivered to the JRC Board of Directors during their Board Retreat on 6/15/22 by Immediate Past President Elliot Frolichstein-Appel. At this moment of transition for JRC and all of us serving on its board, this week’s...