Calendar of Events
S Sun
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1 event,
JRC Presents: DRIO Balance of Care
JRC Presents: DRIO Balance of Care
JRC’s Racial Equity Task Force (RETF) invites you to join JCUA’s Jackie Baldwin, Director of Anti Racism & Equity at JRC to learn about the Kirva Institute’s Balance of Care […]
2 events,
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
January 27 The United Nations General Assembly designated January 27—the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau—as International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a time to remember the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust […]
New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group
New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group
Interested in reading the New Testament from a Jewish perspective? Join the member-led study group that meets weekly on Zoom, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. to learn together, both through reading the […]
5 events,
Weekday Minyan via Zoom
Weekday Minyan via Zoom
Join us weekly for a Tuesday Ma'ariv minyan and service. Our service lasts twenty minutes and we will say Kaddish. Come join us! Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 540 635 846 […]
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
Creating Liturgy: Crafting Shabbat Services for Meaning and Connection
Creating Liturgy: Crafting Shabbat Services for Meaning and Connection
Shabbat services are a journey – what’s the path, what prayers are required, how do we use traditional liturgy and contemporary voices to make a beautiful, spiritual experience? This 3-part […]
Mahjong at JRC!
Mahjong at JRC!
Beginners come and learn about how to play. Experienced players are encouraged to play. We will play on Tuesday evenings on a drop-in basis. Participants need to bring their own […]
1 event,
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
2 events,
Weekly Torah Study via Zoom
Weekly Torah Study via Zoom
Dive into the weekly Torah portion! Study in English, no experience necessary. Bring a TaNaKh or Hebrew Bible or commentary if you have one. Led by the JRC Clergy or […]
Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
JRC's Adult Choir rehearses in our 3rd floor sanctuary. JRC has three opportunities to get involved in choir. Our Adult, Children, and Family choirs are all under the direction of […]
2 events,
Reparations Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Yael Kurganoff
Reparations Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Yael Kurganoff
Shabbat Shalom! In times of celebration and challenge, Judaism calls us to come together each week. Sing, reflect, learn and engage with your JRC community either in our JRC sanctuary […]
Laurice Bell on the Intergenerational Reparations Interview Project
Laurice Bell on the Intergenerational Reparations Interview Project
JRC is participating in Reconstructing Judaism's National Reparations Shabbat throughout this weekend. JRC's Racial Equity Task Force invites you to join us after Kabbalat Shabbat service as we welcome Laurice […]
7 events,
Junior choir
Junior choir
Junior choir is a fun, laid back, musical opportunity for 2nd-6th graders to be musical at Kehillah and JRC! Join choir leader Danny Wallenberg Saturday mornings, 9:00-9:30 am, before Kehillah. […]
Multi-generational Tot Shabbat
Multi-generational Tot Shabbat
Bring your littles (0-4 year olds) and your grownups to celebrate Shabbat together. JRC’s engaging Tot Shabbat will have you singing, dancing, and playing together with our clergy! At 9:30 […]
Chodesh Shabbat
Chodesh Shabbat
Chodesh Shabbats are Saturday mornings with a menu of experiences for the JRC community, from prayer to community building to discussion to interactive learning activities. Chodesh Shabbat mornings include times […]
Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot
Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot
Kehillah Junior is a joyful introduction to Shabbat for young children ages 2 and under and their families. Each week, our song leader will lead the group in lively Shabbat […]
JRC Lay-Led Multi-Access Minyan
JRC Lay-Led Multi-Access Minyan
Join the JRC Minyan through the Shabbat Shaharit (morning services) at 10:00am this Saturday at JRC and via Zoom. This service includes a Torah reading, interactive d’var, and public reciting of […]
What do Jewish Texts Say About Reparations and How Can We Engage in Reconciliation and Repair?
What do Jewish Texts Say About Reparations and How Can We Engage in Reconciliation and Repair?
To learn what Jewish texts say about reparations Rabbi Rachel Weiss will offer a brief teaching on Parshat Bo (the week’s Torah portion), the Stolen Beam Talmud text, and connect […]
3 events,
Rosh Chodesh Shevat
Rosh Chodesh Shevat
Rosh Hodesh, translated as the “head of the month”, is a time to mark the start of a new month in the Jewish calendar. Historically, it is a minor holiday […]
Reconstructing Judaism Movement-Wide Reparations Program, Reparations in Action: How to Move from Resolving to Repairing
Reconstructing Judaism Movement-Wide Reparations Program, Reparations in Action: How to Move from Resolving to Repairing
Rabbi Rachel Weiss is a featured panelist in the Reconstructing Judaism's Movement Wide Reparations Program, Reparations in Action: How to Move from Resolving to Repairing In January 2023, the Reconstructionist […]
Holocaust Museum Tour with Susan Stone
Holocaust Museum Tour with Susan Stone
Join JRC member and docent Susan Stone for an in-depth tour of the IL Holocaust Museum. The events leading up to, during, and after the Shoah will be included using […]
1 event,
New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group
New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group
Interested in reading the New Testament from a Jewish perspective? Join the member-led study group that meets weekly on Zoom, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. to learn together, both through reading the […]
3 events,
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
Weekday Minyan via Zoom
Weekday Minyan via Zoom
Join us weekly for a Tuesday Ma'ariv minyan and service. Our service lasts twenty minutes and we will say Kaddish. Come join us! Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 540 635 846 […]
Mahjong at JRC!
Mahjong at JRC!
Beginners come and learn about how to play. Experienced players are encouraged to play. We will play on Tuesday evenings on a drop-in basis. Participants need to bring their own […]
1 event,
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
2 events,
Weekly Torah Study via Zoom
Weekly Torah Study via Zoom
Dive into the weekly Torah portion! Study in English, no experience necessary. Bring a TaNaKh or Hebrew Bible or commentary if you have one. Led by the JRC Clergy or […]
1 event,
Kabbalat Shabbat Potluck and Tu Bishvat Seder with Rabbi Rachel Weiss With Special Performance by JRC’s Junior Choir
Kabbalat Shabbat Potluck and Tu Bishvat Seder with Rabbi Rachel Weiss With Special Performance by JRC’s Junior Choir
Tu Bishvat has developed into an ecological holiday that reminds Jews of our connection to the Earth and our role as caretakers of the environment. Join your JRC community to […]
7 events,
No junior choir today
No junior choir today
Junior choir is a fun, laid back, musical opportunity for 2nd-6th graders to be musical at Kehillah and JRC! Join choir leader Danny Wallenberg Saturday mornings, 9:00-9:30 am, before Kehillah. […]
Learners’ Shabbat for 5th/6th Grade Families
Learners’ Shabbat for 5th/6th Grade Families
This service, for 5th and 6th grade families, is an entry-level way to experience Shabbat morning. You’ll learn more about the Shabbat morning service, and learn about the prayers, songs, […]
Parent Coffee and Tea
Parent Coffee and Tea
While learners are in Kehillah classes, come relax and connect with other grown-ups over coffee, tea, and light conversation. Whether you’re in the mood to chat about everyday life or […]
Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot
Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot
Kehillah Junior is a joyful introduction to Shabbat for young children ages 2 and under and their families. Each week, our song leader will lead the group in lively Shabbat […]
JRC Shabbat Meditation
JRC Shabbat Meditation
All are welcome to our Shabbat Meditation program – a time for us to come together in community to explore how meditation can help us rest deeply, listen fully to […]
JRC Lay-Led Minyan Via Zoom
JRC Lay-Led Minyan Via Zoom
Join the JRC Minyan through the Shabbat Shaharit (morning services) at 10:30am this Saturday via Zoom. This service includes a Torah reading, interactive d’var, and public reciting of the Kaddish. Shabbat […]
4 events,
4th-6th Grade Family Field Trip
4th-6th Grade Family Field Trip
Kehillah 4th-6th grade families will take a field trip to Chicago Jewish Funerals in Skokie (8851 Skokie Blvd.) on Sunday, February 9, 10:00–11:30 am. Parents are invited and encouraged to […]
JRC Book Group: Long Island Compromise
JRC Book Group: Long Island Compromise
Join the engaging conversation with your JRC community! JRC’s Book Group meets on the second Sunday of every month over Zoom. All are welcome! This month’s book is: Long Island […]
Safety Through Solidarity: A Conversation with Author Ben Lorber, Sponsored by JRC’s Israel-Palestine Working Group
Safety Through Solidarity: A Conversation with Author Ben Lorber, Sponsored by JRC’s Israel-Palestine Working Group
Join the Israel/Palestine Working Group for a conversation between Ben Lorber, co-author of Safety Through Solidarity: A Radical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism, and Dr. Joshua Shanes, Professor of Jewish Studies at […]
Music Institute Chorale With JRC’s Choir
Music Institute Chorale With JRC’s Choir
The Music Institute Chorale presents, "Gather Ye Round." This free concert has the Chorale joining forces with multiple choirs and instrumental ensembles for an all-MIC celebration of rounds from around, […]
1 event,
New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group
New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group
Interested in reading the New Testament from a Jewish perspective? Join the member-led study group that meets weekly on Zoom, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. to learn together, both through reading the […]
5 events,
Weekday Minyan via Zoom
Weekday Minyan via Zoom
Join us weekly for a Tuesday Ma'ariv minyan and service. Our service lasts twenty minutes and we will say Kaddish. Come join us! Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 540 635 846 […]
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
JRC Member-Only Debrief of Safety Through Solidarity Book Discussion
JRC Member-Only Debrief of Safety Through Solidarity Book Discussion
On February 9, author and historian Joshua Shanes will be in conversation with Ben Lorber, author of “Safety Through Solidarity: A Radical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism”. On February 11th we […]
Mahjong at JRC!
Mahjong at JRC!
Beginners come and learn about how to play. Experienced players are encouraged to play. We will play on Tuesday evenings on a drop-in basis. Participants need to bring their own […]
2 events,
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
2 events,
Weekly Torah Study via Zoom
Weekly Torah Study via Zoom
Dive into the weekly Torah portion! Study in English, no experience necessary. Bring a TaNaKh or Hebrew Bible or commentary if you have one. Led by the JRC Clergy or […]
Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
JRC's Adult Choir rehearses in our 3rd floor sanctuary. JRC has three opportunities to get involved in choir. Our Adult, Children, and Family choirs are all under the direction of […]
1 event,
Kabbalat Shabbat Service With Danny Zeckhauser, Natalie Blaser, and Stan Cohn
Kabbalat Shabbat Service With Danny Zeckhauser, Natalie Blaser, and Stan Cohn
Shabbat Shalom! In times of celebration and challenge, Judaism calls us to come together each week. Sing, reflect, learn and engage with your JRC community either in our JRC sanctuary […]
2 events,
JRC Lay-Led Multi-Access Minyan
JRC Lay-Led Multi-Access Minyan
Join the JRC Minyan through the Shabbat Shaharit (morning services) at 10:00am this Saturday at JRC and via Zoom. This service includes a Torah reading, interactive d’var, and public reciting of […]
0 events,
1 event,
New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group
New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group
Interested in reading the New Testament from a Jewish perspective? Join the member-led study group that meets weekly on Zoom, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. to learn together, both through reading the […]
6 events,
Ritualwell: Writing a Disability Torah
Ritualwell: Writing a Disability Torah
The JRC community is invited to join Reconstructing Judaism and Ritualwell for a meaningful gathering in recognition of Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, & Inclusion Month (JDAIM). Register through Ritualwell: $18. […]
Weekday Minyan via Zoom
Weekday Minyan via Zoom
Join us weekly for a Tuesday Ma'ariv minyan and service. Our service lasts twenty minutes and we will say Kaddish. Come join us! Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 540 635 846 […]
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
Mahjong at JRC!
Mahjong at JRC!
Beginners come and learn about how to play. Experienced players are encouraged to play. We will play on Tuesday evenings on a drop-in basis. Participants need to bring their own […]
Creating Liturgy: Crafting Shabbat Services for Meaning and Connection
Creating Liturgy: Crafting Shabbat Services for Meaning and Connection
Shabbat services are a journey – what’s the path, what prayers are required, how do we use traditional liturgy and contemporary voices to make a beautiful, spiritual experience? This 3-part […]
1 event,
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
4 events,
Weekly Torah Study via Zoom
Weekly Torah Study via Zoom
Dive into the weekly Torah portion! Study in English, no experience necessary. Bring a TaNaKh or Hebrew Bible or commentary if you have one. Led by the JRC Clergy or […]
Racial Equity Task Force (RETF) Monthly Meeting
Racial Equity Task Force (RETF) Monthly Meeting
Interested in racial equity work at JRC? RETF is always looking for new members. To RSVP for the meeting or for more information, email Frank Hill. Hope to see you […]
Play Bridge at JRC
Play Bridge at JRC
Come play Bridge. All are welcome! Get together with fellow JRC members for a friendly evening of Bridge - enthusiasts or just Bridge Curious are welcome to attend. We will […]
Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
JRC's Adult Choir rehearses in our 3rd floor sanctuary. JRC has three opportunities to get involved in choir. Our Adult, Children, and Family choirs are all under the direction of […]
1 event,
Disability Awareness & Repro Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Cantor Howard Friedland
Disability Awareness & Repro Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Cantor Howard Friedland
Shabbat Shalom! In times of celebration and challenge, Judaism calls us to come together each week. Sing, reflect, learn and engage with your JRC community either in our JRC sanctuary or […]
7 events,
Junior choir
Junior choir
Junior choir is a fun, laid back, musical opportunity for 2nd-6th graders to be musical at Kehillah and JRC! Join choir leader Danny Wallenberg Saturday mornings, 9:00-9:30 am, before Kehillah. […]
Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot
Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot
Kehillah Junior is a joyful introduction to Shabbat for young children ages 2 and under and their families. Each week, our song leader will lead the group in lively Shabbat […]
Parent Coffee and Tea
Parent Coffee and Tea
While learners are in Kehillah classes, come relax and connect with other grown-ups over coffee, tea, and light conversation. Whether you’re in the mood to chat about everyday life or […]
JRC Shabbat Meditation
JRC Shabbat Meditation
All are welcome to our Shabbat Meditation program – a time for us to come together in community to explore how meditation can help us rest deeply, listen fully to […]
Bar Mitzvah of Harrison Levy
Bar Mitzvah of Harrison Levy
The entire JRC community is invited to join Harrison Levy and his family as he is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. This Shabbat morning service will be led by Rabbi Rachel […]
JRC Lay-Led Minyan Via Zoom
JRC Lay-Led Minyan Via Zoom
Join the JRC Minyan through the Shabbat Shaharit (morning services) at 10:30am this Saturday via Zoom. This service includes a Torah reading, interactive d’var, and public reciting of the Kaddish. Shabbat […]
2 events,
Come Learn about Legislative Efforts to Support Illinois Residents Regardless of Immigrant Status
Come Learn about Legislative Efforts to Support Illinois Residents Regardless of Immigrant Status
Each year the Illinois Coalition of Refugee Rights (ICIRR) goes to Springfield to push for laws that support essential programs for all Illinois families to thrive regardless of their immigrant […]
Crafting Circle- Anything Goes!
Crafting Circle- Anything Goes!
Come craft with fellow JRCers at the Chicago home of Lisa Barbe and Avram Eisen. Bring project or get inspiration and... chat! All ages welcome. Tea and cookies will be […]
1 event,
New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group
New Testament from a Jewish Perspective: a Study Group
Interested in reading the New Testament from a Jewish perspective? Join the member-led study group that meets weekly on Zoom, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. to learn together, both through reading the […]
5 events,
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
Weekday Minyan via Zoom
Weekday Minyan via Zoom
Join us weekly for a Tuesday Ma'ariv minyan and service. Our service lasts twenty minutes and we will say Kaddish. Come join us! Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 540 635 846 […]
Creating Liturgy: Crafting Shabbat Services for Meaning and Connection
Creating Liturgy: Crafting Shabbat Services for Meaning and Connection
Shabbat services are a journey – what’s the path, what prayers are required, how do we use traditional liturgy and contemporary voices to make a beautiful, spiritual experience? This 3-part […]
Mahjong at JRC!
Mahjong at JRC!
Beginners come and learn about how to play. Experienced players are encouraged to play. We will play on Tuesday evenings on a drop-in basis. Participants need to bring their own […]
2 events,
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
6th Grade B’nai Mitzvah Logistics Orientation
6th Grade B’nai Mitzvah Logistics Orientation
Current 6th Grade Families! Join Rabbi Rachel and Micky for a logistics orientation and info session about all the details and practical things to know when planning your child's B'nai […]
2 events,
Weekly Torah Study via Zoom
Weekly Torah Study via Zoom
Dive into the weekly Torah portion! Study in English, no experience necessary. Bring a TaNaKh or Hebrew Bible or commentary if you have one. Led by the JRC Clergy or […]
Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
JRC's Adult Choir rehearses in our 3rd floor sanctuary. JRC has three opportunities to get involved in choir. Our Adult, Children, and Family choirs are all under the direction of […]
1 event,
New Member Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Cantor Howard Friedland
New Member Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Cantor Howard Friedland
Shabbat Shalom! In times of celebration and challenge, Judaism calls us to come together each week. Sing, reflect, learn and engage with your JRC community either in our JRC sanctuary or […]
Calendar of Events
S Sun
M Mon
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W Wed
T Thu
F Fri
S Sat
0 events,
0 events,
2 events,
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
1 event,
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
0 events,
0 events,
5 events,
Junior choir
Junior choir
Junior choir is a fun, laid back, musical opportunity for 2nd-6th graders to be musical at Kehillah and JRC! Join choir leader Danny Wallenberg Saturday mornings, 9:00-9:30 am, before Kehillah. […]
Chodesh Shabbat
Chodesh Shabbat
Chodesh Shabbats are Saturday mornings with a menu of experiences for the JRC community, from prayer to community building to discussion to interactive learning activities. Chodesh Shabbat mornings include times […]
Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot
Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot
Kehillah Junior is a joyful introduction to Shabbat for young children ages 2 and under and their families. Each week, our song leader will lead the group in lively Shabbat […]
Multi-generational Tot Shabbat
Multi-generational Tot Shabbat
Bring your littles (0-4 year olds) and your grownups to celebrate Shabbat together. JRC’s engaging Tot Shabbat will have you singing, dancing, and playing together with our clergy! At 9:30 […]
0 events,
0 events,
1 event,
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
1 event,
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
0 events,
0 events,
5 events,
No junior choir today
No junior choir today
Junior choir is a fun, laid back, musical opportunity for 2nd-6th graders to be musical at Kehillah and JRC! Join choir leader Danny Wallenberg Saturday mornings, 9:00-9:30 am, before Kehillah. […]
Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot
Kehillah Junior: Adult-Tot
Kehillah Junior is a joyful introduction to Shabbat for young children ages 2 and under and their families. Each week, our song leader will lead the group in lively Shabbat […]
Learners’ Shabbat for 5th/6th Grade Families
Learners’ Shabbat for 5th/6th Grade Families
This service, for 5th and 6th grade families, is an entry-level way to experience Shabbat morning. You’ll learn more about the Shabbat morning service, and learn about the prayers, songs, […]
Parent Coffee and Tea
Parent Coffee and Tea
While learners are in Kehillah classes, come relax and connect with other grown-ups over coffee, tea, and light conversation. Whether you’re in the mood to chat about everyday life or […]
1 event,
4th-6th Grade Family Field Trip
4th-6th Grade Family Field Trip
Kehillah 4th-6th grade families will take a field trip to Chicago Jewish Funerals in Skokie (8851 Skokie Blvd.) on Sunday, February 9, 10:00–11:30 am. Parents are invited and encouraged to […]
0 events,
2 events,
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
1 event,
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
0 events,
0 events,
1 event,
0 events,
0 events,
2 events,
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms
1 event,
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1-on-1 Hebrew sessions
1:1 sessions with teachers and 4th-6th graders Takes place in 2nd floor office or classrooms