Senior Staff Advisory Committees
Why Advisories?
At JRC, we view the relationship between the members and staff as sacred to our spiritual community. It is a genuine partnership in which members feel their needs are met and the staff are provided opportunities to grow professionally and personally.
Each senior staff member (Rabbi, Cantor, Executive Director, and Education Director) is provided with an advisory committee composed of JRC members. The advisory committees provide a safe place for staff to discuss challenges, seek advice, or provide an avenue for JRC members to make comments or suggestions in a collegial manner. We seek to provide excellent service to JRC members and to ensure that staff feel supported and heard. Advisory members commit to discussing issues with their staff member and supporting their efforts to address the issue. Advisory members also have access to the appropriate board member should the matter require.
In addition to their Advisory, each senior staff reports to a supervisor on the Board of Directors. Below are the members of our advisory committees as well as the board supervisory roles. Please feel free to reach out to any committee member.
Rabbi Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee
Josh Karsh
Debi Lewis
Rebecca Osborn
Board Supervisor
Cantor Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee
Nikki Bazer
Michael Bloom
Margie Zivin
Board Supervisor
Vice President of Administration
Executive Director Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee
Laurie Goldstein
Sandy Spatz
Julia Talbot
Board Supervisor
Vice President of Administration
Education Director Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee
Stacey Cloud
Abby Harris-Ridker
Robert Israelite
Board Supervisor
Vice President of Education