Pray With Your Feet
For some of us, prayer looks like gathering in a sanctuary, chanting the melodies of our ancestors.
For some of us, prayer happens most meaningfully at Jewish summer camp, led by the guitars strummed by our favorite counselors.
For some of us, prayer looks like the notes we write in our journals or our instinctive, spontaneous expressions of awe or need.
And for some of us, our connection to spiritual life is enacted through our activism.
By literally putting our values into action — by protesting, letter-writing, phone-calling, showing up in social justice spaces — we express the core of our Jewish souls. At JRC, we hold that this is not only a legitimate form of prayer but one that is valuable and necessary. We believe that using our voices and speaking truth to power in a public way, especially when we use our privilege to show up for another group that needs us, is a crucial part of what it means to be Jewish.
That’s what we mean by “praying with our feet” — not just reading or learning about social justice, but standing up and taking part in it as a spiritual practice. Visit our Committees/Task Forces page to learn more about our focused social justice work.
Here are some of the ways JRC has prayed with our feet:

Bringing Saturday morning challah and grape juice to the Women’s March

Gathering as a faith community to protest at detention centers

Using the Jewish-source protest posters we made at Tikun Leil Shavuot

Our JRC Black Lives Matter banner is posted on our building as a symbol of our commitment to antiracism, both within our congregation and in our community