Addressing the Current Crisis in Israel-Palestine
Addressing the Current Crisis in Israel-Palestine is a JRC Value.
JRC recognizes our congregation’s wide tent of various connections to and opinions regarding Israel-Palestine and prioritizes above all else the valuing of human rights, tikkun olam, and shalom; and the importance of respectful dialogue. JRC members can get involved by exploring resources offered by the IPWG, submit resources to share with the community, and attend upcoming events, with more information available below
The importance of addressing the current crisis in Israel-Palestine corresponds to the JRC Board’s strategic values of kehillah (community) and k’vod sicha (respectful conversation).
JRC's Values in Action
JRC's members, both as a congregation and as individuals, are dedicated to a variety of social justice movements and causes. You'll find a link at the bottom of each of our VALUES pages that will connect you to a congregant coordinating these efforts; please reach out for more information.
Addressing the Current Crisis in Israel-Palestine | Disability Inclusion | Environmentalism | Immigrant Justice | LGBTQIA+ Celebration | Protecting the Vulnerable | Racial Equity & Antiracism | Welcoming Interfaith Families
How we engage with Discussing Israel-Palestine at JRC.
- Members of JRC’s current Israel-Palestine Working Group:
- maintain a regularly-updated list of resources on the history of the region and the current unfolding conflict,
- welcome JRC Members to submit additional resources for this page via an online form and
- encourage the JRC and wider community to attend and participate in future programs about Israel-Palestine.
- JRC has, at various times in our history, had an active Israel-Palestine Programming Task Force. Currently, an Israel-Palestine Working Group is leading our efforts in this area.
- JRC’s Israel-Palestine Working Group collaborated, using the guiding priciples found here, to come up with an official statement on the current crisis.
- JRC has offered programming featuring members of J Street, AIPAC, Jewish Voice for Peace, the Jewish Dialogue Group, and Americans for Peace Now.
- JRC has offered opportunities on Fridays after services for community comfort spaces, where members can share their feelings about the crisis in Israel-Palestine.
- JRC’s bi-monthly meditation sessions will be followed by time to share feeling about the crisis in Israel-Palestine.
- Our clergy, Rabbi Rachel and Cantor Howard are here to listen and meet with members for additional support.
- Members of our congregation are available to help facilitate conversations on grief, comfort, or dialogue about Israel-Palestine.
- Members are encouraged to suggest Israel-Palestine related programming at JRC and to take a leadership role in making those programs happen by filling out our program request form. A member of our Dream and Plan team will help make it happen.
- Members who are seeking resources, outside events to attend, books or articles to read, may log on to the Members Section of our JRC Website and explore all the resources our Working Group and other members have put together.