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Community doesn’t just happen to us, we are working together every day to make it a reality. Part of what makes wonderful things possible at JRC is your active support.

Your gift to JRC supports the congregation’s unique work in building community, healing the world, and providing a warm, welcoming spiritual home in Reconstructionist Judaism.

There are many ways to give to JRC, all of which are fully tax deductible.

Click on the button below, send a check to JRC, or donate by phone or text when JRC volunteers reach out to you between December 8-10.  However you choose to donate, you are making a difference!

A new name, a growing need.

JRC Gives Together! reflects that this is what we do at JRC – we act hand-in-hand to sustain our community.  Fully 25% of JRC’s budget – and rising — relies on members’ gifts and donations beyond dues. While our expenses have increased, we are working hard to stick to our values – assuring that money is no barrier to membership and paying our staff appropriate salaries.

A successful year-end appeal ensures that JRC can continue to offer all of the great programming, services, and support that make our community so precious, and to do so consistent with our values.  We ask all members to reach deep, consistent with their ability, to sustain our wonderful JRC.