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The mission of the JRC Library is to promote lifelong learning (Limud) at JRC and to reinforce and support congregational programming for all age groups and constituent units of JRC, responsive to the times and culture in which we live.

Our Library serves the whole JRC community, including adults, teens, children, b’nai mitzvah and our school staffs. JRC’s Library is a Judaic reading and learning resource that includes books, periodicals, and digital media. The collection includes Reconstructionist and other Jewish thought and philosophy, Torah commentary, Jewish life, history, biography, fiction, poetry, and much more.


  • The Library is open to members when the building is open, operating on the honor system.
  • On Tuesdays and Sundays, during Religious School hours, there is usually a member of the Library Committee present to offer assistance.
  • For specific information requests outside these hours, please email the Committee at

Checking Out Books

JRC members can check out books from the library and bring them home to enjoy.

  • Select the book(s) you would like to check out
  • Fill out the card from inside the book cover with your name and phone number
  • Leave the card in the small box on the Librarian’s desk

Books are due three weeks from the date they are checked out.

Librarian Emerita

Librarian Eva Eisenstein holds a masters degree in library science and has managed Judaic libraries for over 15 years. She is a member of the Judaica Library Network of Metropolitan Chicago and the Association of Jewish Libraries. You can contact Eva at

Library Committee Volunteers


JRC’s Book Group

The Book Group meets in the JRC Library on the second Sunday of most months. Visit the JRC calendar for dates, times, and selections. Wondering what we’ve read in the past? Here’s a compendium of JRC Book Group selections since 1986.

Support the Library

Monetary Donations
We welcome your donations to JRC’s Library Fund. Donations are used to purchase library materials that will augment our collection. You can donate online, or by mailing a check made out to JRC, with the notation that it is to be used for the Library. You may make a donation in honor of or in memory of someone.

Book Donations
If you have books or other items that you are not keeping and wish to explore donating them to the JRC Library, please email the JRC Library Committee at with a description of the items. The Library Committee will decide if any of these materials fall within the scope of the collection.

Please do not drop books off in the Library or in the JRC office without prior communication.