There are so many ways to get involved at JRC!
Our members are always doing something! From pursuing justice for causes they believe in, singing with our choir to joining one of our committees or task forces. There’s something for everyone at every age.
Chibur - Our 20s and 30s Group
The Hebrew word Chibur means “connection,” which is what you’ll find in JRC’s 20s-30s group. This group includes both young adults who are new to the congregation and some who have been JRC members their whole lives! They plan fun, engaging, and meaningful Jewish events, learning opportunities, social programs, and more.
Committees/Task Forces
Fostering connection and community, committee members work with staff to provide programming and services for all members. Some groups meet monthly, while others meet quarterly or on an ad-hoc basis. Taskforce members meet to share information and identify opportunities for JRC members to engage around social, educational, religious, and political issues. Whatever your interest, there’s a way to be engaged at JRC!

Our Adult, Community, and Teen/Youth Kallah weekends are a highlight of the year for many JRC members. Held at nearby summer camps, members gather for community, learning, fun and spirituality, living in “Jewish time” and creating unforgettable memories.
Performing Arts
From choirs to rock bands to klezmer, JRC is a wonderful place to get involved in music. Learn more about our Adult and Family Choirs, Heavy Shtetl and Alte Rockers bands, and the professional musicians who visit JRC for concerts.