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High Holidays 5784 / 2023

JRC’s High Holidays 5784 / 2023

Join JRC for our community High Holiday experiences, to reflect on this past year and gather strength and hope for the next. Experience the beauty of our social justice values tangibly woven into thousand-year-old liturgy for contemporary times. Engage in ways that feel meaningful to you, whether that is through prayer, nature, community, art, song, meditation, or contemplation.
These 5784 festivals of Selichot, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur will include new-found traditions like our Erev Rosh Hashanah Shofar Walk along Evanston’s Lakefront, and will remind us of our deep roots as we gather in the First United Methodist Church, affectionately called “our church”, with live streamed services for those who are unable to attend in person. Please view our full schedule of High Holiday services and activities below.
If you need an accommodation to fully participate please contact Micky Baer at

Rosh Hashanah

Selichot at JRC: September 9, 9-10 pm

Held Outdoors at JRC and Facebook Live, no tickets required


Join us at JRC at 9pm to gather under the summer sky and open ourselves up to the themes and music of the Season of Teshuvah/Return. We will continue our tradition of personal reflection and private accounting of wrongdoings, which we share anonymously on Yom Kippur. Join us for the practice of Cheshbon Nefesh/Accounting of the Soul, as we open the High Holiday season. All are welcome to attend in-person or via Facebook Live.




Challah Baking for Beginners September 10, 9 am - 1:00 pm

In JRC’s kitchen, no tickets required, please register to let us know you’ll be joining us

Join JRC members Julia Tauber and Luke Adams for a challah baking workshop!

No experience necessary and just in time for the High Holidays. Learn dough, braiding, and baking tips from accomplished home bakers. Learn long or round challah, your choice! Start the day with raw ingredients, go home with a fresh-baked loaf, delicious for enjoying on Rosh Hashanah! Space is limited, so please sign up soon.

Sign up to Participate Here.

Resolution Sticks: A Creative Arts Workshop September 10, 1:00 - 2:30 pm

Indoors at JRC, no tickets required

Join us for this fun and engaging 1-session creative arts workshop. The Jewish New Year, with its opportunities to reflect back and envision forward, is a great time to make a resolution for 5784! JRC member and expressive arts teacher, Arlyn Miller will lead us in crafting resolutions into a simple, beautiful “resolution stick.” No prior writing or art experience is required. Materials will be provided. Participants aged 16+ are welcome.

Days of Awe Scholar in Residence, Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg: September 12, 7-9 pm

On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World

Indoors at JRC & via Zoom, no tickets required. Please register through separate sign up so we know you are coming.

Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg will read from and discuss her newest book. On Repentance and Repair: aking Amends in an Unapologetic World is a crucial new lens on repentance, atonement, forgiveness, and repair from harm—from personal transgressions to our culture’s most painful and unresolved issues. Rooted in traditional Jewish concepts while doggedly accessible and available to people from any, or no, religious background, On Repentance and Repair is a book for anyone who cares about creating a country and culture that is more whole than the one in which we live, and for anyone who has been hurt or who is struggling to take responsibility for their mistakes. An Oneg will follow. Mark your calendar for a follow up book discussion the evening of Tuesday, October 17. You may purchase Rabbi Danya’s book through JRC. Details TBA.






Erev Rosh Hashanah Shofar Walk: September 15, 5-6 pm

Outdoors at Dawes Park & via Facebook Live, no tickets required

From Shofar to Shofar: We celebrate our gathering and the joy of the New Year! Greet friends and community of all ages as we walk a loop along the lakefront with 7 shofar stations. Sing with our clergy and the JRC Choir and sound the shofar across the community – bring a shofar and bring friends! – Note: this will be JRC’s only Erev Rosh Hashanah observance.

Want to be a Shofar Sounder? Please email


Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Service: September 16, 10 am-1 pm

Indoors at First United Methodist Church of Evanston and live streamed, Tickets Required

We gather at “our church” for our JRC High Holiday Traditions. Connect with your community for Teshuvah (personal reflection and accountability), Tefillah (prayer and spiritual connection) and Tzedakah (commitment to repairing brokenness through justice). If you require babysitting, please contact Director of Education, Lauren Reeves for suggested babysitter names.

Tickets will be mailed to members in good standing.



Rosh Hashanah Youth & Teen Programming: September 16, 10 am-1 pm

Indoors at First United Methodist Church of Evanston, Tickets and Separate Signup Required (for all participants, including members)

Kindergarten–6th grade: Children will participate in our Hofshi festival, a semi-structured space supervised by adults and teens where children will participate in an age-appropriate service as well as themed activities, games, and crafts. 7th–12th grade: During one hour, teens will explore the Jewish New Year’s effects on their lives through a service, discussion, art, and reflection. During the rest of the program, teens can support the Hofshi festival, join services, or relax with friends.

In order to help us provide the best program, please fill out this two-minute form to let us know your children will be participating. Thank you!


Rosh Hashanah Family Services: September 16, 3:30-4:15 pm

Held outdoors at Dawes Park by the lakefront and Facebook Live, no ticket required. Immediately followed by Tashlich

Bring the family and join Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Cantor Howard Friedland for our camp-style service featuring singing, stories, and a multi-age celebration of the New Year. The entire community is welcome at this child-centered service. Children must be accompanied by their grown up.


Tashlich: September 16, 4:30-5:30 pm

Held outdoors at Dawes Park by the lakefront, no tickets required.

Gather at Dawes Park with Rabbi Rachel and Cantor Howard on the pier. This ritual of casting out sins, and the things we’re ready to let go of in the new year, is a ritual of release and renewal. In keeping with our Jewish value of caring for our climate and earth, rather than throwing bread we invite you to cast off birdseed, small stones, frozen corn and peas, or other bird-and-fish and environmentally friendly items.


Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Services: September 17, 10 am-12 pm

Indoors at JRC & via Zoom, no tickets required

Join Rabbi Rachel Weiss & Cantor Howard Friedland at home in our JRC sanctuary for our more relaxed and heimische 2nd Day service.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 886 7120 5708
Passcode: 073416





Unetaneh Tokef for Black Lives

As a community, we have been profoundly moved by the anti-racist activism and soul-searching inspired by the unforgivable murder of George Floyd in the summer of 2020, and continuing as we work to break down the racist systems and culture in which our country is steeped. Below, watch our 2020 Yom Kippur confession and repentance in our Unetaneh Tokef for Black Lives, read by Rabbi Rachel Weiss. To engage with JRC’s racial equity, and anti-racism efforts, connect with JRC’s Racial Equity Task Force.

Yom Kippur

Kol Nidre: September 24, 6:30-9 pm

Indoors at First United Church of Evanston & livestreamed, tickets required

We gather at “our church” to begin our 25-hour Yom Kippur spiritual retreat together. Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Cantor Howard Friedland lead us through our Day of Atonement and reflection with music, sermon, poetry, and liturgy.

Tickets will be mailed to members in good standing.



Yom Kippur Morning Services, Including Yizkor: September 25, 10 am-1 pm

Indoors at First United Church of Evanston & livestreamed, tickets required

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, continues with our morning services weaving together Torah, music, teachings, and liturgy. The Yizkor service will take place following the Torah service, featuring time for individual remembrance. If you require babysitting, please contact Director of Education, Lauren Reeves for suggested babysitter names.

Tickets will be mailed to members in good standing.

Yom Kippur Youth & Teen Programming: September 25, 10 am-1 pm

Indoors at First United Methodist Church of Evanston, Tickets and Separate Signup Required (for all participants, including members)

Kindergarten–6th grade children will participate in our Hofshi festival, a semi-structured space supervised by adults and teens where children will participate in an age-appropriate service as well as themed activities, games, and crafts. 7th–12th grade: During one hour, teens will explore the themes and meaning of Yom Kippur through a service, discussion, art, and reflection. During the rest of the program, teens can support the Hofshi festival, join services, or relax with friends.

In order to help us provide the best program, please fill out this two-minute form to let us know your children will be participating. Thank you!


Yom Kippur Open Mic: September 25, 1-2 pm

Indoors at First United Church of Evanston and on Zoom, no tickets required

Open Mic is a longstanding JRC tradition, in which we invite members to share their Avodat HaLev/Offerings of the Heart. While the traditional Musaf service consists of special offerings for Yom Kippur, it is our JRC tradition that these short personal reflections comprise our offerings. Any JRC member may submit a reflection, but these should not be advertisements or promotions. To submit an Open Mic offering, please contact Marla Baker at

Join us in-person at FUMC or via Zoom

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 819 0473 2619
Passcode: 003202
Call in: 312 626 6799

It is thoughtful reflections of diverse congregant voices that makes Open Mic so rich each year. We invite your participation.



Yom Kippur Contemplation & Connection: Member-Led Activities: September 25, 2-4:30 pm

Indoors and Outdoors at First United Methodist Church of Evanston, no tickets required

Join us for thoughtful, member-led programming including:


Yom Kippur Family Service: September 25, 3:30-4:15 pm

Held outdoors at Dawes Park by the lakefront and Facebook Live, no ticket required

Bring the family and join Rabbi Rachel Weiss and song leader Michaela Brooke for our camp-style service featuring singing, stories, and a multi-age observance of the Day of Atonement. The entire community is welcome at this child-centered service. Children must be accompanied by their grown up.



Yom Kippur Mincha Torah Service: September 25, 5-5:45 pm

Indoors at First United Methodist Church of Evanston & livestreamed, no tickets required

Hear readings from the Book of Leviticus and the Book of Jonah chanted in Hebrew and English by Cantor Howard Friedland.


Ne'ilah By The Lake: September 25, 6-7 pm

Outdoors at Dawes Park by the lakefront and Facebook Live, no tickets required

As the sun sets and the gates close, we close the holidays with singing, Havdalah, and one final shofar sounding. A good and sweet year to all!



High Holidays 5784 / 2023 FAQ’s

How can I access High Holidays remotely?

Services will be livestreamed on JRC’s website homepage (the one exception is Rosh Hashanah Day 2, which will be accessible via Zoom), no tickets required. Look to JRC’s calendar for additional details.

Can I attend JRC's High Holidays as a guest?

Yes! If you are not yet a member of JRC, we are so happy to welcome you to our community. Guest tickets may be ordered online.

  • Infants through high school aged children and full-time college students are free
  • “Chai Holidays” tickets for Young Adults 18-35: $18
  • Guests who are 36 and older: $396
  • Any guest of a JRC member: $270

If you would like to explore the possibility of becoming a member, Micky Baer, our Executive Director, would be happy to connect and answer any questions. Guests who purchase tickets and join JRC before December 1, 2023, will receive full credit for the cost of their individual tickets toward membership fees. Click here to learn more about joining JRC.

I purchased guest tickets. How will I get them?
Guest Ticket Pick Up
  • Tickets ordered by August 21 may be picked up beginning August 30 from JRC’s office at 303 Dodge Ave. in Evanston MWR from 9-2.
  • Tickets ordered after August 21 will be held under the ticket-holder’s name in the lobby of the FUMC at High Holiday services

If you would like to explore the possibility of becoming a member, Micky Baer, our Executive Director, would be happy to connect and answer any questions. Guests who purchase tickets and join JRC before December 1, 2023, will receive full credit for the cost of their individual tickets toward membership fees. Click here to learn more about joining JRC.

I'm a JRC member. How will I get my tickets (name tags)?

Your 5784 JRC nametag will serve as your High Holiday ticket. Nametags are provided to adult members only.

  • Step One: Renew your 2023-2024 JRC membership. Here’s a link: 2023-2024 Membership Commitment Form
  • Once you’ve renewed, you may pick up your tickets during JRC office hours beginning Wednesday, August 2
  • If you have not picked up your tickets by the end of August, we will mail them to you on August 24 (mail delivery times will vary)

JRC Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9 am – 2 pm.

If you have not yet renewed, click this link to access our 2023-2024 Membership Commitment Form.


Where should I park for services at FUMC?

Participants will enter the First United Methodist Church of Evanston on Hinman. Parking is available at the Church Street Self Park at 525 Church Street in Evanston and there may also be street parking. The Evanston Police Department has waived the 2 hour parking limit surrounding the church during our services and programs.