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Gun Violence Prevention Task Force

Gun Violence Prevention Task Force and Our Mission

The goal of the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force is to engage JRC members in Learning, Advocating and Building Community with each other and the wider GVP community of the Chicago-area as well as nationally.

In 2017, the long-established Peace Dialogue Task Force (PDTF) sponsored a Board motion for JRC to become a member of the IL Gun Violence Prevention Coalition. Overseen by GPEC/ICHV (Gun Prevention Education Center / Council Against Handgun Violence) https://, the Coalition is a group of over 150 organizations and faith institutions that are engaged in GVP work. Over the next few years, the Peace Dialogue Task Force increasingly focused on GVP issues.

In 2019, the PDTF officially changed its name to the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force. Members learn about state and national GVP issues/legislation and take action when opportunities are available. We learn about and try to support organizations addressing a range of gun violence prevention efforts. Everyday gun violence in underinvested communities, domestic violence-oriented gun violence, suicide, mass shootings and white supremacist-driven gun violence are all issues that concern us.

The GVPTF strives to use an equity-oriented, antiracism lens to better understand how racism /white supremacy, gender issues, etc., impact individuals and communities. Using a three-pronged approach — Education/Learning, Advocacy/Action and Community-Building/ Relationships —the GVPTF also asks the question, What is Jewish about GVP work? Why do this work as part of a congregation? Tikkun Olam is the springboard for our activism as we explore and apply Jewish values and teachings to Gun Violence Prevention work.

For learning and volunteer opportunities, contact GVPTF Chair, Maria Tolpin at Check the JRC calendar for sponsored events and meetings.