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Youth Kallah

JRC Youth Kallah brings our teens together for a fantastic weekend away together!

Every year, our 6th – 12th graders enjoy a great weekend with teens from JRC, Shir Hadash Reconstructionist, and other regional Reconstructionist congregations. The experience includes Shabbat services, a talent show, social action project, experiential Jewish learning, and time for hanging out with friends. Transportation is included with registration, and special dietary options are available.
Older teens work together to plan many aspects of the weekend, including a pithy theme to connect all the programming. Recent themes have been “JEW-manji,” “Ferris Bueller’s Shabbat,” “When JEWISH Upon a Star,” and “In a Galaxy Far, Far Jew-way.” For our students who spend most of their time living, interacting, and experiencing time in a secular world, Youth Kallah offers them a unique opportunity to live within Jewish time. They form connections and create memories to anchor their experience as Reconstructionist Jews in community.
And, of course, there are the coveted Kallah sweatshirts!

Youth Kallah is always on the Presidents Day weekend of February each year. Stay connected to our Religious School to find out about our next Youth Kallah!