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JRC’s 60th Anniversary

by JRC member Charlene Gelber I want to wish us all a Happy 60th anniversary. I wasn’t yet of age in 1964 to join this new Havura, but with my young family, joined in 1978.  I jumped right into committees, the Board, and became President in 1983. I was President while...

JRC Statement Regarding the Current Crisis in Israel-Palestine

Preamble: The JRC Board of Directors has endorsed the following statement written by the Israel-Palestine working group. JRC is home to a broad range of opinions, beliefs, and political alignments. We worked together to find our commonalities and create a statement...

A View of the Past Year

JRC is an amazing, vibrant, dedicated, and participatory community. At last year’s annual meeting, we described how JRC had managed to adapt to the unexpected lockdown as the COVID-19 pandemic arrived. Like many other organizations, we tackled new challenges...

Zooming into My New Job

“Wow. That must have been really hard.” This is consistently the response I get when people hear that I began a new job as a synagogue executive director in May, at the beginning of the pandemic (doesn’t everyone mark time by where an event falls in relation to the...

JRC’s New Website Is Super Duper Reconstructionist

Several years ago, JRC was offered what turned out to be a wonderful gift which came, as gifts sometimes do, wrapped up in a big complicated mess. Isn’t that often how it goes, not just for us as individuals, but for the Jewish people in general? If it weren’t for the...