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Parshat Lech Lecha: Places and Names

November 9, 2024 D’var by JRC member Vickie Korey Lech Lecha is the third parsha in the book of Genesis. In the beginning, there is Creation. The first through seventh days and nights are created. The Sabbath is designated, man and woman are created, sins are noted,...

Parshat Eikev (Summer 2023 JRC Member D’vrei Torah Series)

Shabbat Shalom! This week’s Torah portion, Eikev, is the third section of the Book of Deuteronomy, where Moses continues his second farewell address to the Israelites and urges them to observe even what appear to be minor commandments. Moses then continues his review...

Parsha Eikev (Summer 2024 JRC Member D’vrei Torah Series)

The defining structure of this parsha is repetition. We have encountered everything in this parsha, more than once. As if someone is either phoning it in, being paid by the word, or are afraid the message was lost in translation. Considering how many times the...

D’var D’varim (Summer 2024 JRC Member D’vrei Torah Series)

August 9, 2024 D’var by Susan Stone How many of us have schmoozed with a friend about a recent vacation? WE tell the highlights… the ups and downs…The disappointing parts..getting lost, grouchy tourists…museums closed when you arrive, etc. …. and the...

Parshat Bamidbar (JRC Board Meeting D’vrei Torah)

June 5, 2024 D’var by member Emily Harris Parshat Bamidbar is the first Parsha in the book of “numbers”, which gets its name because of the census in this opening chapter.  But according to the commentary in the Etz Hayim Torah, “its proper Hebrew designation,...