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Parshat Eikev (Summer 2023 JRC Member D’vrei Torah Series)

Shabbat Shalom! This week’s Torah portion, Eikev, is the third section of the Book of Deuteronomy, where Moses continues his second farewell address to the Israelites and urges them to observe even what appear to be minor commandments. Moses then continues his review...

Parsha Eikev (Summer 2024 JRC Member D’vrei Torah Series)

The defining structure of this parsha is repetition. We have encountered everything in this parsha, more than once. As if someone is either phoning it in, being paid by the word, or are afraid the message was lost in translation. Considering how many times the...

Parshat Eikev (Summer 2024 JRC Member D’vrei Torah Series)

August 24, 2024 D’var by Vickie Korey The Torah portion for this week, titled Eikev, is the third parsha in Deuteronomy. This portion continues the speech Moses is giving to the People as they prepare to cross the Jordan River into the “promised land.” The...