June 14th, 2024 D’var by Stan Cohn Shabbat shalom everyone. So, let me give you the scoop upfront. The Torah portion tonight is really all about holiness. Now, some will tell me “That’s Naso!” And I will say – you’re exactly right,...
June 28, 2024 D’var by Bruce Koff Good evening and Shabbat Sholom! Thank-you for this opportunity to celebrate Pride with my JRC community, and to find in tonight’s parshat what I hope is a bit of wisdom for our times, times in which the queer community is under...
June 21, 2024 D’var by member Andrew Segall Good evening! My name is Andrew Segall and it is a delight to be outside with you on a gorgeous evening at the lakefront. We have been treated to amazing weather and the comforting and familiar sounds of Cantor Howard. ...
August 24, 2024 D’var by Vickie Korey The Torah portion for this week, titled Eikev, is the third parsha in Deuteronomy. This portion continues the speech Moses is giving to the People as they prepare to cross the Jordan River into the “promised land.” The...
July 12, 2024 D’var by member Nancy J Katz There is a lot going on in Parsha Chukat. Here is the story in a nutshell: First – the red cow – Adonai gives instructions on how to sacrifice a red cow and use the ashes to purify someone who has encountered a dead...
by JRC member Melissa Mizel I’ve been interested in Reconstructionism ever since my twenties, when my Manhattan sister and I used to sneak into the Society for the Advancement of Judaism (Reconstructionism’s first congregation) on High Holidays. When my husband,...